Half Moon Button Club

of the Capital District 

Welcome to the website of the Half  Moon Button Club of New York's Capital District!

We would like to introduce the Club, invite you to join us at our meetings, and provide some information about other button societies.

Check out the tabs (About, Collecting, Members' Stories, and Gallery) above to explore further. You will find photos from our 80th anniversary party on the Gallery page.

Half Moon Button Club and the Verd Mont Button Club of Vermont Share an Engaging Day

On Saturday, July 20, Vermont's Verd Mont Button Club hosted Half Moon Button Club members in Fair Haven, Vermont. The day's gathering included button sales, plenty of project cards to peruse,  a delicious potluck lunch, door prize giveaways, and a fascinating talk by Lisa Wernhoff about the buttons of Vermont.  Several photos are below, others will be in the Gallery section soon.

Vermont-related buttons and book related to Lisa's talk

Vermont buttons

Mother of pearl pillow by Sheri Ross